Short Bio

Raymond A. Moldenhauer is an award-winning architect and visionary designer, as well as a Christian song composer, musician, speaker, and artist.


My art is an expression of Abstract Truths. Abstract Truths are paintings that reveal God. The Creator of the Universe paints the sky in abstract colors and shapes every day, and He chooses the palette of colors and textures for every season. Within the abstract, we can see the Designer.
To understand God in abstraction is to acknowledge His truth but admit that our understanding of the truth is limited. Abstract Truths are the REALITY that we can’t always understand but know that it is TRUE.


Raymond A. Moldenhauer is an award-winning architect and visionary designer, as well as a Christian song composer, musician, worship leader, speaker, and Artist. He retired a few years ago from his position as Managing Director of RM STRATEGIES – a global strategic planning firm.

As an architect, Ray developed the master plan and design concepts for new hospitals throughout the United States and around the world including Bermuda, Grenada, Chile, England, and Canada. He also led the Blue Growth Coastal Master Plan for the country of Grenada, which was the first ever in the world. His work was presented to the United Nations as a prototype for other countries to follow.

He creates music about the love of God that he shares with other churches as well as through his YouTube Channel – A NEW DAY. He has also authored a book – JOURNEY OF HOPE – an account of how God touched the lives of so many people because of the premature birth of a little miracle girl named Alyssa Grace. The book has been placed in numerous Neonatal Intensive Care Centers located around the country. Ray has also written several Christian plays and developed a number of special Life Group Bible Studies.

All of his design experiences and his relationship to Jesus Christ have influenced his art – called “Abstract Truths” - paintings that reveal God.